Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What’s the best way to buy silver as an investment?

June 21, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ


4 Responses to “What’s the best way to buy silver as an investment?”
  1. RhinoBoy says:

    you may want to first consider if buying silver is a good investment, then if you have asubstantial amount to invest find a broker or invest in the raw product I.E. producing mines with a record at which point you would be buying shares. Silver typically dosent do as well as gold but niether do better than Real Estae or illegal contriband.

  2. jstmother says:

    There are stocks that are essentially companies in the silver mining, buying and holding. You can sell in 2 minutes if you need to, unlike buying the metal itself.

    You can also invest in metals futures. You need some training and an understanding of the risks to do this, and I don’t know how much money or your risk strategy, so I can’t really help you more than that. I personally would not buy the metal for delivery.

  3. Frank Castle says:

    I can advice you.

  4. gators64 says:

    An ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) for silver will be coming to the market soon. I think it’s a Barclay iShare ( If you want the physical metal look at they’re pretty good.

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