Wednesday, March 12, 2025

What is the best investment for today?

November 8, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

I think its silver. Anything else?


6 Responses to “What is the best investment for today?”
  1. gosh137 says:

    The “best” investment differs for everyone depending on risk tolerance, time horizon, other investments, knowledge, etc.
    For you, the “best” investment is in something you have knowledge about so you can tell if a competitor is about to drive your investment into the toilet.

  2. Joe says:

    Goats. Yes Goats…. i mean think about it.. you have goats milk…goat cheese.. lean goat meat.. it is all the rage in europe and other parts of the world… boer goats are very popular now days.. goat futures should be traded in all markets.

  3. crim says:

    I love silver and have been buying it on the dips. Love commodities in general as this is a massive commodities supercycle. RIG, NOV, FCX, VALE, BHP, DVN, OXY, XTO, APC are some of my fav stocks.

  4. Invest Wisely says:

    You can look for myfxfunds in google/yahoo search engine
    My Managed Account has grown to 40% in 3 months.
    and this week my account has profit 5.3%
    By the way my capital is 100K but you can start with minimum 5000USD.

  5. pank t says:

    Energy and Financials

  6. Matt says:

    Investing for retirement and paying down your debt.

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