Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Only Legitimate Home Business Opportunity With Collectible Coins

August 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

One of the key issues that many internet marketing companies face is their comparison to illegal pyramid scams. A legitimate internet marketing opportunity will not pay its affiliates money just for recruiting new members.  A legitimate network marketing company has a product or service and its representatives receive a paycheck based upon products or services sold.  Isn’t that the way it is in bricks and mortar businesses?  Then why should a network marketing business be any different.  Further, when your product has value like collectible coins it’s a win-win situation.  As an affiliate of a network marketing company that markets graded gold and silver coins you receive compensation for products sold and accumulating a collection of gold and silver coins creates wealth as well.  Again, when your product is gold and silver collectible coins it’s a win-win.

In addition, a gold or silver coin is a collectible, not a consumable like many if not most products associated with network marketing companies.  In addition to the company’s compensation plan, with graded silver and gold collectible coins you are building a valuable collection, a legacy that can be shared for generations.  

A network marketing company that promotes gold and silver collectible coins is a rare and unusual opportunity.  If you appreciate and desire the benefits of residual income, then why not also market and benefit from a product that is the equivalent of money, gold and silver coins.  In addition to being compensated for growing your business and the benefits of residual income, gold and silver coins allow for progressive accumulation of wealth.  Regardless of your current income, a network marketing company that promotes and markets gold and silver collectible coins gives you access to what in the past was a privilege for only rich people, accumulating gold and silver.    

There are plenty of great MLM programs out there. However there is only one that promotes gold and silver collectible coins. You can check it out at  

Each day, people find great success or a method to earn additional money thru a mix of the internet and a valid social marketing opportunity.  Are you ready?

Gary Price is a practicing attorney specializing in intellectual property including patent, trademark and copyright law and co-author of “You Might Be An Inventor If…”.  Gary Price is an Executive Representative with Numis Network where he markets gold and silver coins.

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