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The Benefits of Buying Silver Jewelry Over Gold

June 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Jewelry

Silver jewelry is simple but beautiful and has been worn for many years by all different types of people. Its low cost is one feature that makes it so attractive to jewelry buyers. Silver jewelry cost considerably less than gold jewelry and the price difference between white gold and silver is even larger. Many of those individuals who enjoy white gold also enjoy silver and for those on a budget this is often the alternative choice in jewelry.

You can expect the price difference between gold jewelry and silver jewelry to be quite drastic. Often you will pay as much as four to five times less for silver jewelry than you would gold jewelry. It should also be pointed out that silver jewelry is easier to wear casually as well.
Silver can go beautifully with the fanciest of dresses or gowns or it can be work with jeans or a simple sun dress. While gold can also be worn either way silver seems to look less tacky when worn casually than gold does.

Silver also has a tendency to enhance almost any skin tone. Gold tends to drowned own the color of skin and make it appear light where as silver makes the skin appear darker and healthier.

Another great thing about silver is that since it is used for jewelry making in so many different cultures you can find pieces in a variety of different styles. This makes for great selection whether your buying the jewelry piece for yourself or for someone else.

Silver jewelry is also very durable and tough although not quite as strong as stainless steal it isn’t very far off. It’s durability comes from the addition of copper. There isn’t much copper added to the mixture but just enough to make the jewelry stronger. Silver without this additional material would be too soft to make jewelry from and the pieces would not last as long as they do with the addition of the copper.

The only slight downfall to purchasing silver jewelry rather than gold or white gold jewelry is that it requires a bit more care in order to keep it looking its best. This is because silver has a tendency after a long time to darken and tarnish. Although some jewelry pieces surprisingly are enhanced by this evidence of aging others may not be.

By keeping silver jewelry polished and cleaned you may be able to prevent this from happening. In the event, though, that your silver jewelry does become tarnished you can follow a simple process to make homemade silver tarnish remover or you can also purchase premade tarnish remover such as Tarn-X. Either way works well but homemade tarnish removers don’t contain any harsh chemicals that may make your skin break out.

The benefits of buying silver jewelry over gold go above and beyond the one downfall. That’s why silver has been being enjoyed for so many years and will continue to be enjoyed for many years to come.

Jarrie Wilson is the manager of silver jewelry for men site, For information about sterling silver jewelry visit handcrafted silver jewelry.

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