Silver Certificates: What is the Value of a 1935 Silver Certificate?
August 10, 2010 by
Filed under Silver Bullion
The 1935 Silver Certificate is one of the most popular notes among currency collectors. The history of these fascinating bills extends back to the 1800’s. It was the Congressional Acts of 1878 and 1886 that authorized the printing of Silver Certificates – for a very specific reason. In those days, the supply of silver coins […]
Gold, Silver and Oil Trading Expert Helps Investors Learn the Ropes
August 10, 2010 by
Filed under Silver Investment Basics
When stocks and real estate are flat, Chris Vermeulen succeeds investing in gold, silver and oil Collingwood, ON — Often the conventional wisdom is to stay invested in the stock market and in real estate. But millions of investors following that often-touted strategy have seen their portfolios drop by half or more. “Investors everywhere […]
Add Australian Silver Coins to Your Coin Collection
August 10, 2010 by admin
Filed under Silver Coins
If you are in a place where you are looking for beautiful coins to invest and collect, you may find exactly what you are looking for in Australian silver coins! These coins are not only lovely, but they are also valuable, and you will find that their ability appreciate in value is quite good. While […]
Silver Eagle Coins Are Yours Fake Or Counterfeit?
August 1, 2010 by admin
Filed under Silver Coins
Collecting silver coins is a serious hobby for many collectors worldwide and to serve these people there are various silver coins for sale at reliable, honest numismatic marketplaces like Boost Silver and other web pages where coin sellers and coin buyers meet. Unfortunately there are many silver plated or lesser-metal counterfeit coins currently being sold […]
American Silver Eagle Coins ? A Smart Investment
August 1, 2010 by
Filed under Silver Bullion
American Silver Eagle Coins are one of the most popular and best ways to invest in silver. They also make great keepsakes and gifts. These are considered to be the most beautiful of the silver coins ever minted in the history of United States of America. Minted since 1986, it is the United State Mint’s […]
Ruff’s Little Book of Big Fortunes in Gold & Silver: A Middle Class License to Print Money
July 27, 2010 by admin
Filed under Recommended Readings
Product Description“Ignoring gold and silver this year will cost you more than all the dumb financial decisions you can make put together.” Ruff’s Little Book of Big Fortunes in Gold and Silver is not written for Wall Street, but for Main Street. It is a detailed guide to a once-in-a-lifetime chance for middle-class Americans to […]
Understanding Silver Bullion Investment Report
July 14, 2010 by admin
Filed under Silver Bullion
Which is the only asset that is down 65% to 70% from it 1980 high? Yep! That’s right, its silver! I am 100% convinced that silver is the cheapest assets on the planet right now. There are so many positive things getting behind silver its not even funny. To start, while gold has already surpassed […]
The Timeless Art of Collecting Silver Coins
July 12, 2010 by admin
Filed under Silver Coins
Silver coins, one of the oldest forms of currency, are still some of today’s most sought-after collector’s items. Coin enthusiasts all over the world are in search of these precious items for various reasons. Some simply find collecting rare date coins in silver a hobby or passion. Some consider it an activity that offers a […]
Guide to Selecting Reputable Silver Bullion Dealers
July 12, 2010 by admin
Filed under Silver Bullion
With the price of silver exploding in recent years, there seems to be no lack of silver bullion dealers advertising their services online. Trying to find a reputable dealer can be a bit confusing for the novice silver investor. After all, there are crooks in every business – the precious metal sector being no exception. […]
Silver Investment Do’s and Dont’s
July 12, 2010 by admin
Filed under Silver Investment Basics
People sometimes have reservations with silver investments is that the value of silver fluctuates so heavily The idea of investing in silver to guard against economic crisis and inflation is may be good advice but a better way to go about it may be by collecting silver assets that. Some predict the economy will continue […]