Saturday, March 15, 2025

Sterling Silver Jewelry, Sterling Silver Earrings, Sterling Silver Charm Jewelry, Sterling Silver Jewelry

September 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Jewelry

Do you know that your choice of jewelry showcases your personality? So, stop looking at inexpensive outdated jewelry and go for elegant sterling silver jewelry that has an ever-alluring specialty within. This perfect sterling silver jewelry can be worn for any occasions and will give you an appealing personality. My Wedding Jewelry is an online […]

buying Silver bullion in australia? investment?

September 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

im trying to start investing in silver, but i dont know the right place is to get it. i got a few coins and bars on ebay but they were way over spot price. APMEX and alot of other bullion sites dont post to australia. so i just wanted to know are their any sites […]

Want to Have a Feel of Rare Coin Prices, Try Philadelphia Silver Dollars

September 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

For many people finding good coins to add to their coin collection is considered as a smart investment. There are others who are constantly seeking to buy at least one rare coin. For these people the rare coins that can be found have to be worth the amount of money that was paid for them. […]

Barbie 50th Anniversay Silver Collector’s Coin

September 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Bullion

If you enjoy collecting toys, games, cards and other items then something like the 50th Anniversary Barbie Coin 1 oz Silver Proof Coin from the Perth Mint under licence from Mattel should be something to really pay attention too. This coin is limited to a worldwide release of 20,000 coins and is something that any […]

Silver: a Timeless Gift for Your Child

September 2, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment Basics

Celebrating the birth of a child is a tradition that dates back to ancient civilizations. The birth of a child is seen as a momentous occasion and it only seems right that every culture would celebrate the growth of their community. From these ancient civilizations the modern day baby shower has become a means to […]

Sterling Silver Jewelry- Perfect For An Elegant And Royal Look

September 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Jewelry

Jewelry is something that every woman treasures and takes care after her looks. Jewelry is adorned by every woman irrespective of any age. However with the prices of gold and diamonds reaching the sky is it becoming difficult for a common person to buy jewelry. However, although the prices of the precious metals like gold […]

Gold, Silver, Oil and Nat Gas Trading Report

September 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Bullion

Commodities so far this week have not changed much. But I can point out a few things for us to watch Thursday and Friday. Precious Metals – Gold GLD fund – Silver SLV Fund – PM Stocks GDX Fund We could start to see a shift between the price relationship between gold and the broad […]

Should Gold and Silver be ?illegal? Tender?

September 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

Years ago, if you wanted to buy something you paid in coins minted from, or at least backed by, precious metals. United States currency, for example, was backed by gold held by the government – hence the term “gold standard”. Your dollar was backed by a dollars worth of gold which in theory you should […]

Gold, Silver and Platinum – They’re not Called ‘precious’ Metals for Nothing

September 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment Basics

When you’re buying a special piece of jewellery – whether it’s an engagement ring or a birthday necklace – it’s likely you’ll hear the term ‘precious metal’ thrown around a lot. But what exactly is a precious metal – and what makes it so ‘precious’? When it comes to jewellery, the three most precious metals […]

What is the best trading company to invest in gold and/or silver stocks?

August 31, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

I’m looking for a company that I can make a small investment into gold or silver stocks. I’m new to trading. I want to start off with investing the least amount into gold and/or silver. What is the minimum I may invest in a gold share; and what is the minimum for a silver share?

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