Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Collecting Gold and Silver Coins

June 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

Gold and silver coins have always been a very popular thing to collect. The condition of a coin can be one of the most significant factors in its value. There is a global standard for grading a gold or silver coin’s condition. This is called the Sheldon Scale with grades ranging from 1-70 with 70 […]

40% Silver Coins

June 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

What are silver junk coins? It is said to be known that all the coins produced before the year 1965 have been given this name.  It also know that most of these contained 90% silver but what about the coins which were not 90%. Sources reveal that the silver content varied from 30-90%. We are […]

Canadian Silver Coins – Undiscovered Silver Gems

June 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

When you think of Canadian Silver Coins, the first coin that most likely comes to mind is the beautiful Silver Maple Leaf. However, there are numerous other Canadian coins that have been minted thoughout the years and the Maple Leaf series is just a speck on the surface. These other coins are hidden gems waiting […]

Invest in Collectible Silver Coins and Bars Bullion: Buy Like 5 Dollar Silver Maple Leaf Coins

June 25, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

Silver has captivated people like myself for over 6,000 years. Around 700 BC, Mesopotamians used precious metals like silver and gold as a medium of exchange. Many other civilizations also recognized the natural value of this silver as a trading metal. In ancient Rome, the denarius was minted, which contained 1/7 oz of silver; and […]

does anyone buy gold or silver coins or bullion as investment?

June 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

i need information pertaining to buying gold and silver in its metal form as an investment… what are the pros and cons of buying it

Junk Silver Coins: Pre-1964 Silver Quarter, Half, Dime and Dollar U.S.A

June 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

In times of economic uncertainty, people often seek to protect their nest egg by investing in precious metals. Precious metals historically rise when the value of a fiat currency falls. In today’s market, pre-1964 US junk silver coins like the  1964 silver quarter the twenty five cent piece , 1964 silver  half fifty cent piece […]

90% Silver Coins

June 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

Learning about silver coins can be interesting but there are many aspects one can research on. Most of us very well aware of the fact that the silver content of these coins varied from 30-90%. However what bothers most people is that which are the coins which are more valuable in this range, because since […]

How To Buy Silver Bullion Coins Tips

June 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Bullion

Don’t be overwhelmed when you buy silver bullion coins. It is so easy. People think that this will take some getting used to because of the money involved. That is not usually the case. Just because this is an investment, it means that you have to be an economics adventure to get your way around […]

Hammered Gold and Hammered Silver Coins: Evaluating Their Price

June 15, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

When it comes to evaluating the price of hammered coins it is much more challenging than it is for other items that are still manufactured today. That is why both buyers and sellers have to be extra vigilant in ensuring that they buy and sell for a fair price. If you are considering selling or […]

Mexican Silver Coins

June 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

There is nothing quite like finding the perfect coin to complete a set, whether you are just starting out with a hobby of coin collecting or you have been doing it for ages. Many people collect past and current coins from all over the world. If you are after a particularly handsome addition to your […]

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