Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Silver is a Great Investment: Everything From Silver Pillboxes to Silver Baby Gifts

August 17, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment Basics

The gold and silver markets have been a viable source for hundreds of years but ultimately you do not have a tangible item that you can hold in your hands. When you go to an investment firm and invest in Silver you do not get a handful of Silver to take home. No, you get a piece of paper just like if you bought stock in the company that sells shares of gold. In the end it can be worthless.

Smart investors are now moving to tangible items like high-end Silver pillboxes, which go up in value. In 1964 Silver overtook its face coin value and the average pillbox contains about 10 quarters, which would come out to $2.50 in face value. Tangible items like silver baby gifts can serve as long-term investments and as family heirlooms that can be passed down for generations all the while increasing in value and becoming an excellent investment in financial stability. Silver lockets will not only make your love life better or your mother happier it can prove to be money well spent in the end!

Silver can be used for several industries such as jewelry, electronics and even in the chemical industry so it’s very important that you purchase your Silver from reputable dealers that only deal in the purest grades of silver designed for jewelry and plates, silverware and silver pillboxes. You should look for ornate pieces with striking patterns that catch your eye. Not only will the silver that was used to make the piece go up in value, the piece will also become antique over time and also raise in its street value as a collector’s piece. This will be a two fold investment for your future generations if you choose to keep your silver for sentimental value over it’s market value.

It’s also important to keep tax implications in mind. When you invest in Silver (on paper) you are subject to capitol gains taxes when you decide to cash in on your investment. If you ever decided to let go of that precious family heirloom that you’ve been holding on to for that rainy day not only will you be able to shop for buyers to ensure top dollar, you will not be subject to excessive taxes thus putting more of your investment back into your pocket. This is a two-fold win because your investment and sale will support the current market value of tangible Silver and will help to ensure stabilization in the Silver market for future sales.

Kimberly Green is a pro gift giver and special gift finder offering up her best gift ideas in silver pillboxes, silver baby gifts and engravable gifts.

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