Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Silver Investment Do’s and Dont’s

July 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment Basics

People sometimes have reservations with silver investments is that the value of silver fluctuates so heavily  The idea of investing in silver to guard against economic crisis and inflation is may be good advice but a better way to go about it may be by collecting silver assets that.  Some predict  the economy will continue to decline and silver values will continue to increase, but who really knows for sure?

Is your sole purpose to leverage against economic meltdown?  If your answer is yes and you are not concerned if you take a hit in the future due to the value of silver declining then by all means generic silver investments may accomplish that goal. I recommend you seek professional investment advice before you start keeping an eye out for bargain silver investments and seize them whenever possible.

I’m not hear to suggest any sort of investment strategies, But what if you could collect silver in a way that would allow you to achieve long term value by acquiring a silver asset even if the value of silver bounced up and down like the Richter scale during the recent earthquakes in Haiti and Chile?

That is the value you get when you collect assets like silver coins.  You need to collect the right kind of coin!  There are specific coins that offer more value.  I see people make this mistake all the time.  They purchase random coins thinking that the older the coin the more value it holds.  But one coin rules them all. 😉

The value is in the rating.  Let me explain. One of the most collected silver coins in history is the “American Silver Eagle”.  Currently an unrated bullion coin has a retail value of around $20.00  The same coin with a PCGS (Professional Con Grading Service) rating of MS69 holds a retail value of around $30.00.  A MS69 is a near perfect rating meaning it contains only miniscule imperfections.  But here is the big difference.  This same coin with a PCGS rating of MS 70 has a retail value of around $150.00.  That’s a big difference in value and that is the difference the rating can make in your collection of assets.

The value does not stop there either.  Unlike some silver investments the MS70 PCGS coin is an asset you collect that can continue to increase in value over time.  There is no limit to the value you can realize by collecting silver assets in the form of collectible coins, though some coins will outperform others.

To discover how you can get the most out of your collectible silver assets it’s critical to get all the facts about how PCGS MS70 coins can allow you to achieve the most return on your silver assets. Click on the link to see my YouTube video that detailing all you need to know and where you can go to acquire your own collectible silver assets.

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