Wednesday, March 12, 2025

mutual fund named street track gold or something similar?

January 14, 2011 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

investment where i can buy gold or silver by the ounce.


3 Responses to “mutual fund named street track gold or something similar?”
  1. Ramy says:

    To trade gold by the ounce:
    streetTRACKS Gold Trust ETF
    Symbol is GLD on the New York Stock Exchange.
    One stock is priced equal to 1/10th of an ounce of gold
    This is a stock, not a mutual fund

    There is also iShares Silver Trust, SLV on the AMEX

  2. src50 says:

    It is an ETF.

  3. Aaron B says:

    Why would you buy gold at these prices? I would get into consumer discretionary or financials, as they have been hit the hardest.

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