Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Is stock investing or real estate investment better right now?

October 21, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

or is it better to look at gold & silver and other high yield investments ?


7 Responses to “Is stock investing or real estate investment better right now?”
  1. Octal040 says:

    Real Estate make more money than any stocks or futures, but it’s a lot more work.

    You should prolly looking into Forex trading tho.

  2. Kutekymmee says:

    stocks, definitely.

    real estate is very risky right now.

  3. lrm08861 says:

    Well, right now the real estate market is in its way down that’s means that it would be good to invest now that the the prices are going down..On the other hand, the stock market is doing well as well but it unpredictable if you invest in real estate as long term investment you will be making a wiser investment. I hope this helps you.

  4. Closer says:

    90% of all Billionaires made their money in Real Estate. 75% of them made their billions with very little start up money.

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  5. Agueda F says:

    I think you could look at FOREX market. The bigest market in the world. Take a look at:……

    they are a Private Club of Investments and offer very high interest funds. (10% to 23% month) and more 3000 investors just in this moment. You can gain access now for FREE to register and look inside.

  6. Dean B says:

    Since 1929 stocks have outperformed all other investment classes.

  7. SMEAC says:

    stock investing may be to risky,for free info on, stock investing , real estate investing , renewable energy , aloe vera farming,and other high yeild investments click the kinks and and

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