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is silver a good investment right now?

September 9, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ


4 Responses to “is silver a good investment right now?”
  1. says:

    Gold is better, but silver is good, too. OVER TIME, precious metals hold their value.

    For the small investor, it’s a good liquid investment. Of course, if you have only a small amount to invest, food and firearms might be better. The value of guns rarely goes down, and they are always a pretty sure investment.

  2. betmoneyonit says:

    Go take a look at the 500 year silver chart. Then run away. Same for gold. Over the past 50 years or so, it returns about 4% and if you get in now, it’s a long long way down.

  3. Rumit S says:

    to make you understand that its good investment right now or not, check the daily closing rates of gold & silver,
    just click on this link

  4. Fierce says:

    Yeah! I would say Silver is a good investment, it would have been even better not long ago when it was down to about $10 an ounce. The price is rising, it’s been about $20 an ounce before.

    I think Silver is very undervalued at the moment, so yes! great investment, especially if you get in in kilos or 100 or even 1000 ounce bars and keep a hold of it for a while.

    Also it’s used in electronics and jewellry and I don’t know the facts but I think I heard there is more demand than supply.

    At current gold prices is gold going to double your investment in the foreseeable future? Hmm I’m not sure, it’s already ridiculously overpriced in my opinion, but I will still invest in it when I have the money to do so.

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