Wednesday, March 12, 2025

is it true that with stock markets crashing gold & Silver with skyrocket?

October 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

With investers getting tired of chasing losses, do you believe they will flock to a true investment in gold and silver so they can start experiencing gains rather than losses?


4 Responses to “is it true that with stock markets crashing gold & Silver with skyrocket?”
  1. brewmaster_ga says:

    I don’t think gold will skyrocket, but at least maintain its value.

  2. Spock (rhp) says:

    nothing that simple will happen.

    while temporary buying can drive the price of precious metals up, you have to remember that higher prices cause greater output which would then tend to force prices downward.

    there are lots of ‘new’ mines opening up in the world … and all those will be coming online somewhen.

    so, as the saying goes, prices will vary.


  3. Frank Castle says:


  4. Houyhnhnm says:

    The premise of your “question” is so absurd I have to believe you’re only trying to tout metals, either because you’re invested in them or because you sell them for a living. Stock markets aren’t crashing–we haven’t even had a correction. Two or three weeks ago most stock markets were at record or multi-year highs. A real investor doesn’t get “tired” in two weeks. A trader who gets out of stocks in two weeks isn’t going to suddenly adopt a strategy of buying and holding metals. If they “invest” in metals, they will be playing the swings, and very likely going short gold or silver on occasion.

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