Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Investing in Gold and Silver?

December 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

With the economy looking really bad a lot of people are suggesting to invest in Gold and Silver. However, is it too late to invest since the price is so high now? It wasn’t a good idea to buy dot com stocks in 2000 and it wasn’t a good idea to buy homes in 2006.

So are Gold and Silver still good investments or are there other investments to look into (agriculture, other currencies Euro, Swiss Franc)?


4 Responses to “Investing in Gold and Silver?”
  1. answerguru19 says:

    Go with the Brazilian currency. Gold and silver is a bit high try index funds. They let you own the entire market. Unless you are a finance expert don’t try the market.

  2. enoriverbend says:

    You are way too late to the party to be suddenly investing in Gold or Silver, or most commodities for that matter. Agricultural commodities may have the longest to run yet, but I wouldn’t do it. You’re right, if Gold is not at its absolute peak now it is certainly getting ready for a fall sometime soon.

    The dollar fall may be reversing soon, so I wouldn’t take a gamble on forex speculation either — aside from the fact that nearly all small forex investors end up losing their money. (Although steadily and slowly investing some of your money into international stocks as part of a diversification strategy is still a good idea, and the smartest way to gain foreign currency exposure.)

    Instead, it’s a good time to invest in solid blue-chip stocks, municipal bonds, and start looking at REITS (commercial and apartment REITs, not mortgage REITs). If you’re too nervous to do that now, sit on cash and wait a bit longer.

  3. johnny V says:

    ahaha very smart. as a young member of society i find that investing in gold and silver can be profittable because what is the money you invest in gold and silver backed up with? thats right its backed by gold/ silver. my advice is invest a small share and maybe split a share or investment a few ways, this way if our economy decides to be gay and start backin up cash with debit and credit cards, your not totally screwed. by the way im only 14 tell me how my answer was b/c im lookin for some investments, n trades myself for things. n i cnt decide what a consistent profittable gimmic would be other than fantasy sports

  4. Julie says:

    If you are interested in currencies, you might consider Currency CD’s.

    Check it out for yourself.

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