Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Investing In A Troubled Economy

August 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment Basics

Right now, the United States is experiencing a troubled economy. The value of the dollar has dropped considerably and continues to do so. The housing market and stock market are not doing too well, either. As the price of oil continues to rise, and the stock market continues to fall, many Americans are concerned about their investments. And they should be. These are troubled economic times.

There are some investments that hold their own even when times are bad. This is because they are valued throughout the world and not just in the United States. These investments can be purchased the same as you would any other investment, by a broker who deals with the commodity. Here are a few investments to consider in a troubled economy:


The price of gold continues to rise with each passing day. Gold has always been a valued investment and will continue to do well in years to come. Economists are predicting the price of gold, which has more than doubled over the past couple of years, to continue to rise in the next several years. Gold is a good investment right now.


Silver is another precious metal that is well worth investing in. In addition to silver, other precious metals are also well worth an investment at this time. This would include copper and platinum. Silver is valued less than gold, but this precious metal continues to hold its value and also continues to rise. Silver and other precious metals are a worthy investment at the moment.


Coins are often handed down from generation to generation but right now, a coin collection is worth a lot more than it was 5 years ago. And 5 years from now, it will also be worth more. Coins are a very valuable commodity at the moment as investors scramble for a piece of this action.

To invest in gold, silver or coins, you need to have a broker who you can trust and who will be able to get you the best deal on your investment. Do not feel that paying a high commission insures a good deal, this is not true. As a matter of fact, there are plenty of good discount brokers who deal exclusively in these commodities who can not only make you a valuable investment, but also allow you to roll it into a 401K or IRA account.

If you are looking for a solid investment in these hard, economic times that will stay strong for years to come, find a good discount broker who will help you invest in gold, silver, precious metals or coins.

Ron Subs is a consultant who works with Superior Discount Coins. For more information, you can contact him at

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