Wednesday, March 12, 2025

In what percentage (%) would u allocate your INVESTMENTS in different investment options?

December 6, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

(Options are: Equity, Fixed Deposits, Money Lending, Goverment Bonds, Savings A/c., Property, Gold/Silver, Other Commodities, etc.)


5 Responses to “In what percentage (%) would u allocate your INVESTMENTS in different investment options?”
  1. Jitu says:

    THERE CAN NOT BE A GENERAL ASSET ALLOCATION PLAN, meaning it will depend upon LOT of factors, age, earnings, liabilities, accumulated savins and n number of parameters. to come out with a THUMB RULE kind of a thing is ..Harakiri.

  2. Sewwandi says:

    First you have to decide what %s you are going to invest in property and other set of assets because property is a risk free asset.

    Thereafter you have to look at the risky assets and have to decide what amount to be invested in each asset based on the riskiness of each asset and your degree of risk aversion.

    If you are a risk averse person, you can invest more in the low risky asset and less in the high risky asset.

    This process will generate you with an optimal portfolio.

    Anyway this involves a lot of estimations like the expected return of the asset, its risk and degree of risk aversion and etc.

  3. sahil_mohd521 says:

    60% in equity and 40% in debt

  4. muncie birder says:

    What I would do probably would not be suitable for your needs. Nevertheless, at this particular moment in time.

    20% oil stocks
    10% Chinese stocks and mutual funds
    10% Indian stocks and mutual funds
    25% t-bills and Muni bonds
    10% small and mid cap mutual fund
    10% European stocks and mutual funds
    15% investment grade U S stocks (non oil)

  5. stock_trade_expert says:

    Hi, i know what your question means. i also think stock market is a nice place for investing.

    I found some useful tips in stock trading. It includes stock basics, how to protect your profit, find a potential increase share, control and manage stock risk, when to sell/buy stock and so on.

    Best Wishes && Good Luck!

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