Wednesday, March 12, 2025

I was just given a .999 troy ounce bar of silver.Would it be a good investment to hold???

October 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ


5 Responses to “I was just given a .999 troy ounce bar of silver.Would it be a good investment to hold???”
  1. teba says:

    yes it would be, i was given a coin like that when i graduated from 8th grade and i still have it, not sure what its worth but its something to hang on to

  2. B.B Top says:

    you’d have to look it up. but overall i don’t know if silver’s a rising commodity right now. maybe slowly.

    give it to your kid and they their kid and maybe you’ll crack a profit.

    in other words don’t sell for $$

  3. Tall Dude says:

    Check the stock market and see what silver is selling for today. In time it might be worth something. It was given to you, then you’re a head anyway.

  4. Phil O' Brien says:

    An ounce of silver isn’t worth much and is never likely to be worth anything substantial (ie your ounce of silver won’t buy you a new car or even a bicycle in the future).

    If you are interested in silver as an investment consider investing in a mining company.

  5. Frank Castle says:


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