Wednesday, March 12, 2025

I think I have found a good investment, is this good compared to others?

October 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

I found an investment online called “Partner Fund” this combines commodities, real estate, precious metals (gold, silver) and foreign exchange. The account on average earns about 10% interest per month. there is a one time entrance fee of 10%. Do you know of a better investment? I have $8,000 to put in…
here is the website if found this investment at, I had to contact them for most of the information.


2 Responses to “I think I have found a good investment, is this good compared to others?”
  1. Spike says:

    MMMMMM – my scam alert went up. I’m not a big fan of paying a fee up front to get the money back, maybe. Guaranteed 10% per month also sounds to good to be true. If you must, start out with a small stake $1000 or $2000 and pay the 10% and see if it works. Two months from now you will either cover the investment or be out the 10% or more. At least you didn’t risk the whole thing.

  2. Yardbird says:

    10% a month is too good to be true.

    The fact that they want a fee in to invest in highly suspicious.

    sounds like a scam.

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