Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Do you think its a wise investment ?

November 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

To buy Olympic commemorative coins from Beijing .The have them in real golds and silver .A set of silver ones cost around $499.00 and a set of Gold ones are about $2000.00 what do you think ? They are beautifully.


4 Responses to “Do you think its a wise investment ?”
  1. Tom P says:

    Coins like these are more valued for their precious metal content than their collectability. I would be hesitant to pay for much more than the value of the precious metal content. You would be better off buying gold coins for an investment than.

    Good Luck!

  2. Barbi says:

    I’ll just invest in love.

  3. pappy12a says:

    Only buy things like commemorative coins for their sentimental value
    They’re minted in such quantities that they probably never will be an investment
    -Coins are valued for their rarity

    I know at lot of people who bought up proof sets during our centennial year ,and now they have all this money that only has face value

  4. Common Sense says:

    If you can afford this & appreciate their beauty… buy them!

    If you’re thinking this is an investment…… don’t do it!

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