Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Canadian Silver Coins – Undiscovered Silver Gems

June 26, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

When you think of Canadian Silver Coins, the first coin that most likely comes to mind is the beautiful Silver Maple Leaf. However, there are numerous other Canadian coins that have been minted thoughout the years and the Maple Leaf series is just a speck on the surface. These other coins are hidden gems waiting to be uncovered by collectors and their value can be great simply because they are unknown by so many investors.

Canadian Silver Dollar

The Canadian Silver Dollar commenced mintage in 1935. It was issued by the Royal Canadian Mint in celebration of King George V Silver Jubilee. This beautiful coin sports two voyageurs on the reverse side.  These fearless adventurers are featured paddling a birch bark canoe. Behind them, one can detect faint lines, which represent the great Northern Lights. A graceful portrait of Queen Elizabeth II of England is shown on the obverse side of the coin.

Canadian Silver 50 Cent Coin

The Canadian Silver 50 cent coin was first struck in 1908  to celebrate the new Ottawa branch of the Royal Canadian Mint.  The initial mintage carried the image of King Edward VII.  It was the very first domestically struck coin of the Dominion of Canada.

Canadian Silver 25 Cent Coin

The very 1st silver 25 cent coins were released in 1870 as a consequence of the conception of the Canadian Confederation several years earlier in 1867.  This lovely coin has the distinction of having the most varied reverse side of all Canadian silver coins. Nearly all commemorative pieces issued are the 25 cent denomination.

Canadian Silver 10 Cent Coin

The Canadian Silver 10 cent piece was the 3rd component of the new Canadian decimalized currency, issued in 1858.  The dime is the smallest of all Canadian coins and was intially composed of 92.5% silver, 7.5% copper.

Canadian Silver 5 Cent Coin

Like the Canadian silver quarter, the Canadian Silver 5 cent coin was 1st brought out in 1858 as a component of the new coinage of the Province of Canada. The composition and size of the nickel was based on the American half dime that was being minted during this time.  The coin’s dimensions and composition did not change until 1922, when the silver content was replaced by nickel.

Find great deals and selection on beautiful, rare Canadian Silver Coins at: ==>

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