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Can you trade comodities such as Gold, Silver, Oil, etc using an online brokerage and a Roth IRA?

November 12, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

My online brokerage is TradeKing.

Up until now I’ve only traded stocks and options, but I’m interested in broading my horizons to new types of investments. I’m just wondering if I need a new account, or if I can do this with my current brokerage.


3 Responses to “Can you trade comodities such as Gold, Silver, Oil, etc using an online brokerage and a Roth IRA?”
  1. Feeling Mutual says:


    Different companies allow many different investments.

    There are companies that offer Roth IRAs where you can invest in houses and even your own businesses, but usually their fees are really really high.

    They are called “Self Directed IRAs”. Be careful, watch the tax laws.

  2. muncie birder says:

    You can trade all of these with your existing brokerage account. Buy oil as ticker OIL, gold GLD, Silver SLV. And if you really want to get frisky, grain is JJG.

    Good luck.

  3. Chance B says:

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