Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Can I have my life savings in Gold?? Can I get it at a bank? (and more gold-related questions!)?

January 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ


I’ve recently realized that it is a dream of mine to accumulate wealth in the form of gold… that is, I would rather have a chest full of gold that is actually in my possession (once I can afford it), as opposed to simply having a number next to my name in some bank’s file.

So… is that practical? Or, more to the point, is that possible?

Can gold still be used as currency? I would not expect to be able to pay for dinner with gold coins, but could you ask to withdraw your money from a bank in the form of gold? And then, if need be, exchange it for regular money again?

Are there gold coins that are US currency? I would be willing to work in gold coins, but I would want it to actually be worth its weight in gold, and not just an assigned value.

If I could do all of this, is it a completely foolish investment?

And if this is all possible, is it possible in other forms as well? Silver? Gems?



One Response to “Can I have my life savings in Gold?? Can I get it at a bank? (and more gold-related questions!)?”
  1. aditi m says:

    well, the way our economy is growing, not actually. you wont get more than 8-10% of growth. Businesses yield more profit in the long run.

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