Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Buying gold coins?

January 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

Whats a better investment right now,gold coins or silver coins,and what has moore potential for going up ?


3 Responses to “Buying gold coins?”
  1. Greg S says:

    With both at record highs right now it’s hard to say if they will keep going up or not. To me now is a good time to hold, I am certainly not an expert though.

    1 oz. coins of Gold are roughly $820.00
    1 oz. coins of Silver are roughly $16.00

  2. bob shark says:

    If you want to make money on gold or silver, buy stock in producing gold or silver producers.

    Their share prices are leveraged to the price of the underlying metal.

    Silver and gold coins have to be internationally accepted ones, like Canadian Maple Leaf, or south African Krugerand, but even these have a selling and buying premium…so it is difficult to make a good profit by a small investor

    You buy the metals as insurance of monetary collapse, you buy stock shares of precious metals producers to profit from metal price increase.

  3. Jose G says:

    gold, if you are buying coins, make sure the quality is up to par.

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