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Buy Canadian Coin Collecting Hobby: Canada Silver Coins, Gold, Nickel, Dime

July 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Coins

Let’s take a look at what I think are the gems of Canadian coin collecting. These gems are the gold and silver coins to begin with. The value of a gold or silver coin is not just evaluated on the rarity of the coin only, but is also evaluated on the metal which the coin is made of.

The worth of the gold or silver, which is in the coins, can be much greater than the coins’ dollar face-value by many times over. Take a small worn-out silver dime for instance, which some call a junk silver dime because the grade of the coin is so poor that it is not worth selling for the quality or beauty of the coin’s face and tail side. This small coin falls into a category all of its own, and is bought for the silver content most often.

Nowadays, you can buy a silver junk dime to begin your Canadian coin collection. This will only cost about one dollar on the open market. If the coin is just rare because of low mintage or a high grade; what holds up the price if the demand for that Canadian coin drops? The silver and gold coins will hold up because they are gold and silver. What if the price of metal drops, as well? You are smart and are the best one to answer that question, but I will add that silver and gold have never being at a zero dollar-value over the last thousand years. That means that there has been at least some demand for gold and silver for a very long time.

Collecting coins for the fun of having a piece of history, or something that is rare in your hand is the backbone of collecting coins in the first place. This hobby can be for the rich and the poor. Even some Canadian pennies that are just made out of copper can be worth thousands of dollars.

For the most part, collectible types of coins that are very expensive are for the very rich who don’t know what to do with the cash that is oozing out of their wallets. This is what brings coin collecting to life; when the rich invest in your hobby. Who knows, maybe you have a coin that many rich people want? Now that would be a thrill! Should you sell the coin, bragging about how you came across it and the whole works, or should you just tuck it away for safe-keeping? If you are going to share, you may want to keep it to people you can trust and not in the greedy ears of individuals who may want to keep your coin for themselves.

The thing that I like most about collecting Canadian coins is that you can have something that is valuable, fun, unique, and a piece of history; whether that be as expensive as a gold coin, or as cheap as a 1944 V nickel, or as simple as a 1967 centennial bird copper penny. And yet they can all fit easily into your pocket or into your secret hiding place that is meant for your little treasures.

Canadian Coins Silver Bullion

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