Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Best money investment?

January 6, 2011 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

I want to invest some money in something but I’m not sure what the best way is. I’ve thought about cds, savings accounts, gold, and silver.


4 Responses to “Best money investment?”
  1. Dr. Jacobs says:

    The simplest thing is a money market account, they typically have higher returns than CD’s and you can take your money out at any time, while CD’s make you wait until maturity to avoid a penalty.

    Check out, pretty nice options and no fees if you stick to the fidelity funds.

  2. mckald21 says:

    Buy Iraqi Dinar. The Kuwaiti money was really low and then jumped up to like 3 bucks. The Iragi Dinar has already risen up 20%. In a time, as in like 5 or so years, that will sky rocket as well. Lots of ppl think otherwise but they are ignorant.

  3. Gary H says:

    Look into mutual funds – go to Google search for GAAEX.

    The secret in making money with Mutual Funds is knowing when to buy and when to sell.. This fund you want to sell at the end of the year, and buy in the spring, sell start of summer, buy beginning of fall….

  4. Justin says:

    Gold and silver stocks are beaten down right now. They are the steal of a lifetime if you are looking to multiply your wealth many times over in the next 8-10 years.

    Research them!

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