Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Are Barbie dolls a wise investment?

November 16, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Investment FAQ

Are collector barbie dolls (gold silver or platinum labels) a wise investment? What is the general profit over time?
What are all of the labels, and what order do they come in?
haha beanie babies, good one


3 Responses to “Are Barbie dolls a wise investment?”
  1. FED UP! says:

    I have no idea….but here is a web site that might help ya!

    I stay stick with the stock market….

  2. EndlessMountain says:

    Gold coins and silver coins are much better than barbie dolls for during depressionary times that are coming, the need for dolls as collectors anyway will go down big time.

    Stick with bear necessities and you’ll do fine during this economic collapse


  3. Yardbird says:

    NO. Try beanie babies.

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