Friday, October 18, 2024

A Home Recipe for Cleaning your Silver Jewelry

July 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Silver Jewelry

When I was a little girl my mother had an old home recipe for cleaning her silver flat wear and silver jewelry. It was simple and took less than a half hour to do. (Actually, it takes me a little longer than Mom, she is so much more organized than I am). Now I know that many of you buy silver tarnish removers and jewelers cloths to polish your silver, and that works fine and makes your silver sparkle and shine, it is also a longer process than the one I am recommending. If time is of the essence and you are in a hurry or for that day when you can’t find your silver cleaners, here is the formula for using simple household items found in your kitchen. I call it my 5 step plan.

Step 1: Find a glass bowl or baking dish.

Step 2: Line it with aluminum foil.

Step 3: Put the silver jewelry in the bowl – on top of the foil.

Step 4: Take a large tablespoon of baking soda and spread it over the jewelry.

Step 5: Next boil enough water to cover the items in the bowl, pour it over the jewelry.

Wait about fifteen minutes and remove the items and rinse them in cold water. Don’t dry them with a towel, but allow them to air dry. The results? Beautiful shiny jewelry you’ll be proud to wear.

Items you’ll need:

1. Tarnished jewelry

2. Glass container

3. Aluminum foil

4. Baking soda

5. Boiling water

That’s it from “Notes from Naomi”. Keep it simple and easy, keep your silver jewelry shining and beautiful, keep and store your silver jewelry carefully!

Naomi has been collecting silver jewelry for many years and has keep it looking new using the home recipe her Mom passed on to her. For more notes from Naomi or just to browse through her store visit

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